Friday, March 9, 2012

Nothing special, just babbling

I keep reading all this stuff about a condition that cancer patients get called Chemo Brain. We forget things. We have a hard time recalling names. We lose some basic cognitive functions. Well... that has got to be the best and worst thing I have heard lately. So, when I forget someones name, I can just chalk it up to CB and not the fact that I am just really bad at remembering names. Then there is the downside. I already have to hunt for my glasses, my keys and my wallet... what will I forget next? Should I get microchipped in case I wander off and can't find my house? I know I won't be able to call because I don't know the phone number ( I just push M and Michele pops right up) and the cell phone is the one thing I lose most often.

My cancer health nurse called today and reassured me about these yucky drain things. I thought that the yuck would start one color, get lighter and then stop, but she said not always. That was such a relief to hear because I was starting to think I was bleeding to death slowly. They just need to record output. Like how much yuck you release in a day. And I asked if I was okay with taking the bra off, which I had already done, but you know... I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a huge medical error. She told me I could take it off and burn it if I wanted to. They apparently are just important to hold the drain things if you are not having reconstruction.

I tried to do a little housework today. The nurse said I am okay to do normal activities (sweep, mop, dust) but nothing involving lifting, pulling or pushing. So... I can sweep everything behind the sofa and I have a good excuse. I did, however, pull out the microwave table. One of the cats decided to poop behind it. Who knows why they do that, but she did, and the smell was making me nuts. So after much searching I found the source. Now... do I wake up Michele to have her move the table? Or do I find a way to use my legs to pull the table away from the wall? hmmmmm.... It's amazing what you can do with a really big towel wrapped around your table. I harnessed myself in and pulled it out without using my chest or arm muscles! Go me! I may invent a whole new way to clean house before this is over.

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