Saturday, July 27, 2013

Random thoughts on family

Oh thank goodness!  I am out of the hospital finally, and I am way too happy. I have to say, for my first ever long hospital stay... it wasn't so bad. I know what to have packed for my next trip, which is a valuable thing. It would be silly of me to think I won't have another hospital stay. Not that I want to be in the hospital, but when your cancer gets to a certain point, hospitals become a part of your life.

Speaking of things that become a part of your life... Can I tell you about my HUGE local family? I have a huge family. So many sisters and brothers who I found later in life. Yep... my family is a lot bigger than blood. Funny how you never realize that the friends you make through the years gradually morph from work colleagues and school associates to best friends and family. Well, while I was in the hospital, my extended family jumped right in to help take care of me. They came to visit to give mom some time off to get some sleep. They watched over me while Michele had to work. They brought me presents, sent me flowers, kept me in juice and helped me change my pj's.  So many little things that meant so much to me, Michele and Mom. How did I get so lucky to have so many amazing people in my life?

It's funny to think how family becomes something hard to define when you are going through something like the Big C. I know that my family has grown and extended. I am so lucky to have so many people who care about me. It amazes me to know how many people worry about me. I stopped by work to pick up some prescriptions and my boss lady was there. While I was talking to her, customers were walking up and hugging me. Not saying anything, just hugging me and walking away. How did these people become so important to my health and well being? When did things change from just a working relationship to something more?


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