Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Chest tube insertion on

This is what was about to happen to me. I made Michele watch this, and she said, yep.... that's what they did to you. So... for the curious... and iron clad stomachs...

1 comment:

  1. So instead of a fairly smallish needle,your prize for waiting 2 weeks was a whirl wind tour of the ER. You were attacked by the blood suckers, then you consume a Barium contrast so you could be shot in sections. The above procedure is what happens when people say "I hate needles" and decide to wait. Instead of a little prick, you get your ribs sliced into and the connective tissue cut to accommodate that large tubing that had to be shoved in you body so the nurses could vacuum the fluid from you body. You, my love are a walking miracle, 4 liters of fluid build up could have killed you! I am now sporting 15 new grey hairs courtesy of my wife.
