Thursday, March 14, 2013

Xeloda side effects.

Ahhh... I am the side effect queen. We all know this. And why I though that this Xeloda/Tykerb combo would be any different is beyond me. Yes, I went through the first cycle with nothing but a small case of the poopies. I made it through the second cycle with an even smaller case of the poopies. AWESOME! I'm thinking... hey, maybe this is the one thing I can take and be okay!


Yeah... we start the third cycle and I am tired. I mean like lay in bed all day sleeping for 20 hours tired. My burping (which has gotten so frequent we are now scoring them on a scale of 1 to 10, as in 1 is the nice lady-like silent burp and 10 is the "I just drank the whole keg") continues and the poopies have gone from a once a week thing to an OH MY GOSH! Where is the BATHROOM!!! thing. My lips are chapped. My hands start to turn red. Then, out of no where, my feet begin to blister. I don't mean little blisters like you get when you wear the wrong shoes. I mean my feet a swelling up like balloons. At first when it started, I was at work and I just thought I had been on my feet too much. Imagine my surprise when I got home and took off my shoes. I was startled to see that the balls of both of my feet were one huge blister. The next day, those blisters spread to between my toes. OH  SWEET JESUS!  You have no idea how hard it is to deal with working a 9 or 10 hour day when your hands are so swollen they ca't bend, your feet are so blistered that even resting them on the floor hurts, your toes are being forced apart by giant balloons and on top of it all, You still have the diarrhea that won't stop. I know I was funny looking running as fast as my swollen feet would carry me to the bathroom in a crouch.

I tried all kinds of things. Epsom salt, foot baths, bigger shoes, looser socks, creams, lotions, even my prilocaine ointment I used to numb my port. I wrapped my feet in lambs wool. I elevated them. I kicked my shoes off at every opportunity. Finally, I soaked cotton balls in alcohol, shoved them between my toes until the pressure was off the blisters and while that relieved the pain, it made me waddle.

I had two days off in a row. I put on my mismatched slippers (I have one brown, and one tan... I have no clue where their correct colored mates are.) and try to stay off my toes. The swelling has gone down some. I now have just the toe blisters, and they are shrinking.  I took a picture of it, and as soon as I can figure out how to get them off my camera with my new computer, I will post them. You won't believe it.

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