Saturday, July 21, 2012

very short update.

It's another beautiful day here and I am back to my old self... mostly. I changed the oil in the mower, cleaned the air filter and checked the spark plugs. Then I mowed the driveway. And after only an hour of being outside, I had to go sit down. I guess I am not quite as recovered as I thought... but then again, I did that after being at work since 730 this morning and only having a can of pears for breakfast/lunch. So maybe I shouldn't be too hard on myself.

I have really missed doing things like this, and it is so nice to be able to do them again. My yard is looking scruffy, so I see a big yard clean-up in my future. And I am really excited about it. I know I used to moan and complain about having to spend my off time doing yard work, or cleaning house, but my views on that have changed. It is a blessing to be well enough to go push a mower around 3/4 acre of yard. So what if I have to sit down more frequently. At least I can do it.

The other fun thing... I had three, yep three, crazy people in a row today. It is really hard for me not to laugh at them sometimes. I mean, seriously... why are you getting so worked up over something so small? But then I have to remind myself that for the person in front of me, this incident is probably the worst thing going on in their world right now, and I am grateful for that. If the worst thing in your world is not getting your way at a store, then you are a lucky person. Sometimes I wish I could tell them this, but I think that might not go over very well. Especially because I wouldn't be able to do it without laughing.

oh well... break is over... gotta go mow some lawn.

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