Monday, July 30, 2012

Everything... and the Kitchen Sink

It's been a long week. I tried to replace the faucet in the kitchen. I did pretty well... got the basin wrench positioned correctly, took the two side screws out, disconnected the cold water and then... came to a screeching halt. The hot water connector would not budge. Then, after much twisting, WD-40 and finally a few well chosen curse words, it turned. And turned. And turned.... and would not come apart. After an hour of twisting, turning, using multiple different tools... I gave up. I called a plumber. It took him 45 minutes to get the old one out and the new one in. I was so mad! But then... I had to laugh. Once again, the universe is telling me that while I might think I can do everything... there are some things that are still a little beyond me.

I had a lady in my store this week who just started chemo. She has lung cancer. She was telling me how hard this last week has been with losing her hair and crying. I hugged her and asked her to stop back by on Sunday. See... she was telling me how she hates how she looks and can't find anything to cover her head that makes her feel pretty. I went through my hats and scarves and came up with some light weight ones for her. So when she came in, I showed her how to tie a turban with a long scarf and gave her a bag of hats. It seemed like the thing to do. She left with a pretty pink turban on and a smile. It made my day.

I went shopping with Mom. It was an experience, I must say. I spent a while trying on clothes, discovering which outfits looked good on my new flat chest and which didn't. I bought some new hats. And then I had fun buying a strapless bra. Yep... I need a strapless bra for my wedding dress to put my foobs in. The ones from the mastectomy company are outrageous! So... I bought one on clearance in a random cup size and tried it when I got home. It looked pretty good, if I say so myself. Not that I plan to wear the foobs that often... but it's nice to have them if I need them. The most entertaining part of shopping... I opened the door without my shirt on and there was a woman standing outside the dressing room. I just smiled and said... MOM!!!

Today though, I realized that I am still disappointing myself. You ever catch yourself looking at someone you don't know and thinking the most terrible things? I mean, being critical of what they are wearing, or how they are acting, or even how they look. Well... I really wish I could stop doing this. I really hate this about myself. What right do I have to make any judgements about anyone else? For all I know, they could be the nicest person around, and here I am thinking some snide thought. Every time I catch myself doing it, I shake myself and make it a point to find something nicer to think about that person. So... I see the woman who reminds me of a People Of Wal-mart poster child and I stop myself... and I notice she has the most amazing eyes. Or the grumpy old man who is snapping at me to hurry up... he smells so good. And then I take that good thought and I hold it in my head and I smile at the person... and they smile back. Even the grumpy man. So,  I realize again that I can't change other people... but I can keep working on me, and maybe I can change. I would really like that.

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