Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Hospice room

Michele and I have been busy little gals lately. After much discussion, we decided to change rooms in the house. Our original bedroom was, of course, the largest in the house. But, since the house was built in 1920, it had very tiny closets. I guess it just goes to show how different we are now from our great grandparents that we need so much closet space. However, closets were really not the reason for the move. As usual, we are trying to think ahead. So... here was the thought process:
  1. The new bedroom is the right next to the living room, thus being the nearest bedroom to the front door. That way, should we have to have any visits from EMS, there will be fewer doorways and turns to get a stretcher in and out.
  2. When Michele's brother lived with us, he rewired the house. He had to. The house had exactly one ungrounded outlet per room. Again... house built in 1920... not a lot of plugging in going on. So, in order to be able to plug in his tv with surround sound, his blue ray player, his stereo and all his other electrical gadgets, the front bedroom was seriously rewired. I could probably run NASA through that room with all the outlets and special grounding stuff he did up there. So, when we get to the point of being bedridden and having to have medical gear plugged in, that room is prepared for the worst.
  3. Our old room, while big, was very dark. It is positioned in the exact middle of the house with a single set of those huge windows. At no point in the day does sunlight ever stream through that window, and the only view from it is of my neighbors side porch, where I could spend my day watching them sit and watch me. The new room has three windows and is very bright. I can see the whole front yard. I can see the porch swing. At least it's a view.
  4. The living room and the front bedroom are separated from the rest of the house by a door leading into the hallway. This makes it easier to keep the animals separate from each other, and also to have a way to put them somewhere when we have visitors.
  5. Being next to the living room, when the part I am not looking forward to happens (being stuck in bed) at least I can have visitors and they can have a place to sit and talk to me. The original owners of the house had a wheelchair bound family member and so the doorways are large enough for a chair, and that means I can at least go sit in the living room with guests.
  6. We have already finished re-flooring the living room and the new bedroom with laminate flooring, making both rooms easier to clean, smoother for a wheel chair and warmer on the tootsies than the old bedroom, which we have yet to floor. For some reason, the old bedroom's floor is about two inches higher than the hallway, which would have made it a bit harder to maneuver myself around chair bound. We plan to do the floors in that room soon, but I have no idea how to fix the height gap. I suppose it will be time to call out my favorite handy man Mike again and see if he can figure something out.
Since we decided to change rooms, we also changed furniture. We have owned the same furniture in our house for 13 years. Not a terribly long time, but you know, anyone gets bored looking at the same stuff for years. Of course, boredom would usually not be enough to make me get rid of something, because I am nothing if not cheap... ummm... I mean practical. But the bed we have slept on for years is a sleigh bed. Its huge. Its heavy. It is not wheel chair accessible. And, it only fits in the room one way, which would make getting a stretcher in the room hard and getting me out of the bed harder, because you can't access the bed from all sides. To top it all off, last year we actually broke the bed frame. No... nothing fun was going on. We were trying to pull it forward some, but I had forgotten that wedged under the bed holding the center foot of the frame in place were two of those huge under the bed storage boxes. So when Michele couldn't get it to budge, she yanked, and BAM! the wooden side rail ripped out a huge hunk of the footboard. so for the last year, our bed has been had the side rails balanced on cinderblocks, while the footboard has been tied to the rest of the bed with bungee cords (talk about redneck ingenuity!)

We went to IKEA and found a bed frame that is perfect. Under the bed storage is accomplished by four huge drawers which are part of the frame. The frame itself has more support than the sleigh bed did, which was surprising. You would think a solid wood frame would be more supportive, but ever since we moved the mattress to the new bed, those sinkholes that develop after years of two fat lesbians sharing a bed with multiple animals are gone. It's almost like we have a whole new mattress. When I am actually able to lay down to sleep for the night (insomnia is caused by certain pain meds), the bed is so comfortable. The bed has no footboard, which is great, because now if we need to, we have three sides to access. We also bought new dressers that are surprisingly deep. So now we can get rid of the two monstrous dark wood dressers that went with the sleigh bed suite. And they fit in the closets!  Did I mention the closet thing?

At some point, someone put an actual closet in the front bedroom. It is the length of one whole wall, which means it can hold our hanging clothes AND the dressers with room to spare. When it was added, the closet was not constructed to go all the way to the ceiling, which leaves this huge storage area over the closets too, which means no more packing up the seasons clothes and carrying them to the attic to wait till next season. We can just store it above the closet! It had sliding doors, but as anyone who owns sliding door closets knows... those things are tools of the antichrist. No matter how well you treat them, they are going to come off track, get warped and then get stuck. So Michele took the doors off and we hung curtains, which makes the room feel even more relaxing.

I painted this room too (yes... the house that Crayola built continues). Michele loves the color green. She finds it soothing. Green is a very soothing color. Everyone knows that. That's why every doctors office and hospital paints the rooms green. Oh my... my first thought when she said green was "geeezzz... like I don't see enough of that every time I go to the doctor." But she didn't want that kind of green. what we ended up with is sort of Mint Chocolate chip ice cream green. So the room is soothing, minty looking and makes me want ice cream (which isn't that unusual... I always want ice cream)

Since we are prepping this room for the future of my illness, one of the important things for the room was a big comfy chair. One that I can snuggle into, curl up my feet and relax. It needed to be the type of chair that I could sleep in too, for those nights when lying flat is uncomfortable. The hospital has a chair like this in every room for patients and their relatives who sleep over.  When we were at the hospital, Michele asked the nurse where they get those chairs. Turned out that the hospital had just bought a whole slew of new chairs and were donating the old ones to rest homes. We asked to buy one of the old ones, and the man in charge of the purchasing GAVE us one. Just like that. So we now have our very own hospital sleeping chair for me! Aren't we blessed? At least a few positive things came out of that week long hospital stay. And what's more... that just goes to show you what happens when you are the favorite patient on a floor. The nurse who Michele asked about buying the chair had been in with us when we were discussing setting up what we now call the Hospice Room, and she had told the purchasing manager, and ta-da!  we got a chair for free! And it is perfect. It's off white, has wheels, reclines and can even become a bed. I love snuggling in it with my heating pad and a warm throw while I watch Netflix on my computer.

Of course, now the rest of the house is in disarray because we had to move everything that used to be in the room (bookcases, my craft stuff, my office stuff... you get the picture) into the living room, but we are working on it. It's just that we need to do the floors in the other room, so we haven't moved anything else in there yet, and we still need to get rid of the old furniture. So tomorrow, I am posting it on Craigslist, along with the sofa that we are both sick of and some other stuff. By the end of the year at the latest, we will have our house back in order. It's just that when we are off together, the last thing we want to do is waste time that could be spent cuddling with something as silly as cleaning house.  Hey!  I think we have our priorities straight!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys really have been busy!!!! But I can't wait to see the pics cause that room sounds DAMN comfy!!!!!

    And cleaning is overrated... no worries ;)
