Monday, December 10, 2012

A Game... and How awesome it doesn't involve pink!

My friend Brooke at Daily Dose of Dahl is a riot. I love to read her posts about her kids and Zumba (which I would love to try... but am a little hesitant about right now). She tagged me in a silly post. Unfortunately... she did it at a time we were going through so much Doctor stuff that until today, I hadn't been able to get to it... and then, of course, Chemo Brain kicked in and I completely forgot about it. Luckily... I was catching up on my blog reading and found it again and said... "Oh yeah!  I meant to do that!"  So... These are my questions  or rather the questions she asked me. Then I have to come up with questions and share them with other people. (Let's hope I don't forget that part)

Brooke's Questions:
1. Iced tea or hot tea?

It depends on the season. I love Iced tea on a hot summer day, sitting on the back steps watching the dog run around, listening to the chirp of birds (or the buzz of the cicadas if they are in season). In the winter, I love a hot cup of tea as I snugge in my jammies and blanket petting the cat.

2. What is your least favorite household chore?
Laundry. Few things are worse than handling dirty undies, smelly socks and sweaty clothes. The wait while they wash. The wait while they dry. The folding. The hanging. The great sock mating. The bag of leftover socks (BTW... Have I ever told you about the day my washer produced a University of Michigan shirt? No one in my house has ever gone there, we don't watch any of their games on TV and we have never purchased their apparel, but apparently, when your washer has eaten enough socks, it knits you a random shirt. I am hoping with the number of blue and black socks it has eaten, it is currently knitting a Carolina Panthers jersey.)

3. What is your fondest childhood memory?
My grandfather had a dirty secret. My grandmother constantly harped at him about it, but he never seemed to be able to stop himself. At least once a week he would do it and get caught. It was my fault really. Every time we went out to pay the bills, I would beg and he woud give in and there we would be... at the donut shop. He would order his plain donut with coffee and then I would shyly point at the long chocolate filled, powder sugared donut. That and a chocolate milk were the greatest treats. Try as he might, I always ended up covered in powdered sugar, chocolate ringing my mouth, creme filling in my hair. He would clean me up and we would head home where Grandma was waiting... knowing that we had been there AGAIN.

4. What is the best book you've read lately and why did you like it?
Oh lately I have been feeding my secret addiction. Yes... I am ashamed to say it, but I am a lesbian addicted to historical romance, commonly known as bodice rippers. No... I don't read them for the sex (obviously). I enjoy the costumes, the courtly manners, the impertinent heroine and the mystery that is being solved while the romance is blooming. Strangely, I am not wild about mystery novels... probably because there are no fichues or panniers involved.

5. Do you believe in fate?
sometimes. That is really hard for me to respond to because I hate to think that I (or anyone with a terminal illness) am fated to have this. But then I think about meeting my wife, and I realize that there is no way it couldn't have been fate.

6. What made you decide to start blogging?

That's easy... The Big C. Yep... Getting diagnosed with Cancer made me do it. Oh there are tons of cancer blogs out there, but everyone's experience is different, and my voice is important too. Especially since my doctor repeatedly tells me I am always getting the weird side effects and strange reactions. And then, I needed to "talk" out my thoughts and feelings. Even talking with other women with cancer was not as helpful as writing was. I didn't seem to fit any of the "molds" of survivorship. I am not angry. I am not cynical. I am not convinced that my faith will cure it. or even make it easier to deal with. I am stubborn, logical and realistic. I have a terminal disease with a short life expectancy. I can not wait to do the things I need to do, so I do them now.

7. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Pay off bills. Pay off my friends bills quietly. Go to the oncologists office and pay off as many peoples bills as I could afford.

8. What is the one thing you could eat every day for the rest of your life and never get tired of it?
Dessert. ( You really were not specific on this one... and that's okay!) My motto is Eat Dessert First. No one is on their death bed regretting not getting to eat another lite turkey breast on whole wheat hold the mayo... They are thinking " I should have eaten that molten chocolate lava cake with extra ice cream."

9. To be or not to be?
I try to Be as much as I can.

10. What is your favorite hobby - other than blogging, natch.
Piddling. Yes... I am aware that is not a very specific term either, but I love to piddle around doing a little scrapbooking, a little photography, a little arts and crafts, some cross-stitching... you know... piddling.
11.  Truth or dare?
I got nothin' to lose... I am taking the dare from now on!

Now... my questions:

  1. Who is the greatest action hero and why?
  2. When was the first time you fell in love?
  3. What is your fondest wish?
  4. Where would you most like to travel
  5. If you coud meet any famous historical figure, who would it be and why?
  6. What was the best Christmas you have ever had?
  7. If you could go back to any point in time to just relive the moment, what would it be?
  8. What is your favorite article of clothing?
  9. If you could smack just one person and get away with it, who would it be?
  10. Catwoman or Wonder woman?


  1. 1. Who is the greatest action hero and why?
    Jackie Chan because he is both serious about his work but very silly. Plus he rocked a bowl cut for a long time!

    2. When was the first time you fell in love?
    With the Dave, college. The true love is the only love.

    3. What is your fondest wish?
    That I could be answering these questions on my sister's blog and the reason she started it wouldn't be because of cancer.

    4. Where would you most like to travel?

    5. If you could meet any famous historical figure, who would it be and why?
    Langston Hughes, bet he has some amazing stories.

    6. What was the best Christmas you have ever had?
    I was very bah-humbug one year (I think I was 18) and my mom and my uncles turned it around for me. My Fantasia Mickey still sits on my dresser to this day with his missing star.

    7. If you could go back to any point in time to just relive the moment, what would it be?
    The first time I saw Dave - I speak about it in reverential tones and I would like to get those butterflies all over again.

    8. What is your favorite article of clothing?
    Levi's jeans

    9. If you could smack just one person and get away with it, who would it be?
    Fred Phelps

    10. Catwoman or Wonder Woman?
    That is SOOO tough. I can't choose between Eartha Kitt and Linda Carter!

    1. I agree... I can't pick either! And I love you so much!

  2. 1. Who is the greatest action hero and why?
    Superman because he is faster than a speeding bullet and boy do I wish we all possessed that trait.

    2. When was the first time you fell in love?
    That would be with Cory everything before that pales in comparision.

    3. What is your fondest wish?
    To erridicate the big C. I think I am at the point where almost all of my family that have passed away has been from the evil that is the big C in one form or another.

    4. Where would you most like to travel?
    Hawaii....I will get there one day.

    5. If you could meet any famous historical figure, who would it be and why?
    Juliette Gordon Lowe...she was such an amazing woman and truly embodied the statement "well behaved women rarely make history."

    6. What was the best Christmas you have ever had?
    That would be the last year before Dad died. I have such great meories of opening gifts and watching his eyes light up when he opened up his remot control truck. I got a tape recorder that year and was able to tape him when he didn't even know I was taping. I even have tapes of him snoring while he slept. Those are some of my most treasured posessions.

    7. If you could go back to any point in time to just relive the moment, what would it be?
    There are so many it is hard to choose just one....when both of my girls were born, my wedding, working on cars with Dad. Spending time with gramps.

    8. What is your favorite article of clothing?
    My new fairisle sweater.

    9. If you could smack just one person and get away with it, who would it be?
    My sister Cortnee....

    10. Catwoman or Wonder Woman?

    Wonder woman....she wasn't super bean pole skinny but had some curves.

    1. I would love to go back to Christmas with your Dad too. I loved the christmas we spent with you guys. It was one of my best!
