Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's like a Tornado on your wedding day!

By Thursday, the weather channel was saying rain possible for Friday. About a 50% chance. Well, We know how our luck runs, so we ordered a tent. The tent came, and the port-a-potty (from Mr. Party Pooper... how's that for a business name?) and then we had to decorate it. We set the tables up around the yard, strung lights on the tent and helped Tara finish moving yard stuff from one side of the house to the other where it would be hidden. We had the yard all set up with help from Ryan and Mary Shannon.

So... Friday comes. The day starts beautifully. All sunshine and light breezes. We start decorating the tables, finish picking up the last few food things we need, get the beer and as it gets closer to noon... the sky starts to get dark. The wind picks up. Suddenly... it starts raining. The neighbors knock on the door and offer us their carport to add as a tent. (Tara has the best neighbors!) So we get the carport moved all in one piece by carrying it over two fences and down the road with six people. It was a sight to see. Then the weather channel announces... it's a tornado. A tornado on Long Island. That is like a million to one happening.  See... we have just that kind of luck.

Now Ryan, Michele and I are out in the rain moving chairs and tables under the tents. They are soaked. We are soaked. But do I become bridezilla? Nope... instead, I wrap my arms around my beloved and we dance in the rain. Her new smart phone is possessed and it starts playing music on it's own and we danced in the rain. I haven't fixed my hair. I haven't put on makeup. I am prepared to get married barefoot in the rain because it doesn't matter to me... all that matters is that I am about 3 hours away from legally marrying the woman who has been with me for the last twenty years, through good and bad, through sickness and health and it can rain all it wants!

The rain finally stops at about 4. We decide to keep all the tables under the tents, just in case it starts again. We dry everything off and are getting things ready when we get a call. My maid of honor, whose flight should have been in at 2, was still in Philadelphia because all the flights were delayed thanks to the fluke tornado. She will be there right about the time we are supposed to start. Michele goes to get the minister, Tara is cooking, I am redecorating the tables and we are now in a rush. People start arriving and there I am still in my wet clothes. Stacey, my MOH, shows up, grabs the decorations out of my hands, gives them to other people and drags me upstairs to get dressed. Guests are being enlisted to help put the finishing touches on everything while the wedding party gets dressed. It was chaotic, and crazy, but I don't think I have ever seen a wedding with more love and excitement than ours. (Okay... I may be a little biased...)

So... The service...

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