Thursday, January 10, 2013

A blessed new year

Gosh... a whole new year!  I can't believe how fast last year went by. I think every year just passes in a blur as I get older. I haven't been online much lately because my computer decided that since it was a new year... It needed a vacation. But Michele fixed it and here I am again.

Some of my 50 state magnets!
I wanted to start the year off right by saying how amazing my friends and family are. Yes... I know... I say that a lot, but seriously... I am probably the most blessed woman in the world. Let me start with the mail. I love mail. I love getting packages, even if it's just free samples of detergent. December brought me mail and more mail. Christmas cards after Christmas cards. Wedding invitations. Picture cards. A set of magnets from all 50 states. Every day I had something that made me smile. To all my friends... I don't know if you realize how much I cherished the cards with family photos. I loved the cute kids in jammies, the families dressed in their christmas-y best, the poems, the stories and the smiles. I loved the pretty cards with little notes. Yes, it may seem corny, but it meant a great deal to me to know that I was thought of when those cards were written out. That someone smiled when they addressed that envelope and knew that I would smile when I opened my mail box. I even waited and collected them all for a night when I was off so I could sit and savor my cards while having a cocoa. And then I put them in my scrapbook to enjoy again later.  Oh... did I mention the presents? I got a surprise from my wonderful friend Marlinda and her staff at the beauty salon. See... they had a dieting bet going on and since no one won it... they sent the pot to me. Imagine my surprise to get a card with a check large enough to cover three months of Tykerb! I was in tears at how generous my friends are. And then a present from someone I didn't know... Magnets! A friend of mine Brooke (who I have mentioned before ) wanted to help me finish my magnet collection (read back a few posts... it's something I thought I would not get to do...but see how God works miracles?) and her brother sent me a set. And a customer gave me a lottery ticket. I won a dollar! (Don't hate!  you know you wish you had one!)

No... this isn't a plea for more mail (but hey! if the spirit moves you... I am accepting children's artwork for my fridge, pictures to go in my scrapbook and notes to read with my restrictions apply!). This is just an observation on how blessed I am.

So... this brings me to my big thought for the new year. So many times we all get hung up on what is wrong in our lives, we lose sight of the amazing parts of our lives. Every day we wake up (How Awesome!  Somewhere out there, someone did not wake up today... look how lucky you are!) and are surrounded by our family (Look at those faces who love you even when you look like Lyle Lovett and have breath that could be used as a weapon). We go out in the world to a job or stay home to do the job of raising our future (somewhere out there is someone who has no job or has never raised a family). We come home to our loved ones, spend time with our friends and... here's the best part... we get to do it all again tomorrow! 

You may wonder how I can think like this with what is going on here healthwise... but you know... until the Big C... I never realized that I am the luckiest woman in the world. But I do now.

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