Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Chicken war... or why I am not a Good Christian

Wow... In eight days, Michele and I will be getting legally married in NY. I can't believe it is almost here. Of course, it still won't change things here, since it isn't recognized by this state, but someday it will be. You know, this whole gay marriage thing is crazy. In my writing, I have tried to stay away from politics and that sort of thing, but for just this once, I think I need to spill what is in my heart and head.

Right now, there is this huge uproar over a fast food restaurant. The owner uses his own money, earned through the profits of the restaurant, to support groups that promote an anti-gay agenda. Some of those groups are Christian. Some of them are registered as hate groups. So people are picking sides. Buy food there and support Hate groups. Buy there and support Christian values. Buy there and support Free Speech. Boycott there to show you support Human Rights. It's all so confusing and really... it's fast food. Now, don't get me wrong. I happen to really like their chicken salad sandwich every once in a while. But it isn't something I eat often enough to make any big difference. So instead of buying that chicken salad sandwich there, I can go across the street and get the one I like better anyhow (Arby's makes the BEST fast food chicken salad sandwich). The thing is... While I am not excited that the owner chooses to support hate groups, I do firmly believe in his right to use his money to support his beliefs. And if it wasn't for the couple of registered Hate groups he supports, I wouldn't care at all. What is really hurtful about this whole situation is watching my Christian friends get stuck in the middle.

I will be the first to say... I am not perfect. I am not a model Christian. I know how hard it is for some people to accept that you can be a gay Christian, or a liberal Christian, or a wiccan Christian or even a gay, liberal, wiccan Christian. Some people in this whole debate seem to believe that there is only one way to be a Christian. And they are taking out their intolerance on those who have a different view. Of course, the gay people aren't helping things. The calls to have Kiss-ins, dress in drag and all that other in your face stuff only aggravates and incites the far right. So... can't we stop all the madness? If you aren't happy with the owners policies... don't eat there. Write a letter. If you support the man's right to free speech, write a letter. If you support his values... eat there. Write a letter. But stop hurting each other.

I have to be honest. Some of my friends ( and you know who you are) support this restaurant 100%. They believe that the owner is being a true Christian. And looking at Facebook, I saw the posts supporting the Appreciation day. I saw the posts saying that this proves we are still a Christian nation (yes, Kim... I saw that post). My first thought was how sad this made me. All those people lining up to prove they are Christians who support Christian values. All that money. How many homeless children could that money have fed? How many pairs of shoes? How many job training programs could that have funded? And those friends of mine who are caught in the middle... why must they feel like they aren't good Christians because they too would rather use their money to help the downtrodden than add profits to a corporation?  Isn't THAT what G*d asks us to do? I won't even go into how much it hurt me personally to see how many friends who I know love me were so willing to support groups who would be happy if I were dead. But I choose to believe that they were not thinking of that part of the debate ( and if they were... well... Jesus told me to turn the other cheek)

Okay... That's my addition to the Chicken wars. I am done with it.


  1. It's amazing how many "Christians" act nothing like the teachings of Jesus. I'd be more concerned about the afterlife than a chicken sammich.

  2. Agreed... A chicken sammich doesn't last very long... the afterlife... well, I am hoping I get to come back again as a cat owned by lesbians who have no kids.
