Thursday, August 23, 2012


Okay... so ... Its now Weds and we went shopping.  I don't know that it is a good idea to have Michele, Tara and me in a store together for long. First we had to pick beer. Oh goodness. The three of us are semi-sorta beer snobs, and couldn't decide what kind of beer to buy. I like this type, Michele likes that type, Tara likes something else and I didn't want a keg, because then I would feel obligated to drink all the leftover beer before returning it, because there is something really wrong with having to waste beer. Even bad beer. (Of course, I could have just used it giving everyone a great beer shampoo... but I don't use good beer for that!) Going into the distributors was like candyland for grown-ups. Next stop was the wine distributor, where I found our favorite Pinot Noir (Hob Nob, a wine we share with our ballroom dancing friends after discovering it at a wine tasting) and the first bottle of wine we ever shared as a couple (Pouilly-Fuissé).  Perfect!  We needed wine for the wine ceremony and what better than two wines that actually have meaning for us.

Our next stop was to be Sam's club, but we interrupted that for some NY style pizza. See... we were going food shopping and me in a store with food if I haven't eaten is a recipe for bankruptcy. I don't know how many of you remember my taste of Charlotte post, but I can eat some food. And most importantly, Michele NEEDED the pizza. Apparently, the South may have a whole mess of great foods, but to a New Yorker, there is no such thing as a real pizza (or Bagel) anywhere outside of the state. Michele tried to convince the pizzeria owner to move south and open a pizza/bagel shop. It didn't work, but if anyone wants to make millions... I am telling you... bring NY pizza and Bagels to North Carolina. You will retire rich.

Then, we went to Sam's. First thing I did was order cupcakes. Now... I know people are back and forth on the whole wedding cake/cupcake debate, but I happen to like cupcakes. They are small, already in portion sizes so you don't have to have anyone stationed there while people decide how big a slice they want, they can be mixed and matched in colors, icings and flavors and most importantly, I think the little cupcake towers are cute. So when we were talking about a cake vs. cupcakes, I felt that cupcakes are more... well, Me! Compact, cute and simple. Not to mention, I like whipped icing, and she likes that butter cream stuff. I like chocolate, and she likes white cake. So.. She had green cupcakes, and I had white ones. Anyhow... the shopping...
The three of us were insane. The two of them did most of the shopping. I took advantage of all the free sample tables, because while the pizza was good... I never pass up free food. The buggy filled up pretty quick, and we headed back to Club Med to unload our booty.

I also stopped at the local drug store and was overjoyed to see that the store had not yet completed hanging their markdown signs on their seasonal!  Yippeee!!!  The stuff my store had been sold out of for a month hadn't even been marked down once yet... so I bought it all! Yep... all the solar lights were mine! The yard would look awesome! Tara and Sisto once again were working on the yard while I put light up bugs all over the place. Can I just say again how awesome our cousins are?

After all that shopping and the second round of decorating, time for the pool again! After the first day, I noticed that swimming in the pool had reduced the swelling around my mastectomy scars. What's more, I didn't have to wear a top to swim, which was very liberating and felt amazing. I am thinking that I need a pool. or at least access to one on a regular basis. Maybe we should just go live with Tara and Sisto... I could take over that store ( I'll have to talk about that later... it was the first time I realized that I think like a District Manager)

The weather had been beautiful so far, and the forecast for Friday was still about 40% chance of rain. Only Thursday to get through!

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